Maintenance Task List
All new service works will be immediately displayed in the maintenance task list. The list is broken down in the following columns:
- Vehicle — fleet vehicle assigned for maintenance when the service work was created.
- Service Work — service work name as assigned when the service work was created.
- Status — a current service work condition available in 4 options:
Scheduled — maintenance conditions by date/by mileage/ by engine hours as assigned when the service work was created are not met and the task hasn’t been marked as completed;
Due — notification about the upcoming maintenance has been sent. The interval can be configured in the “remind before” field;
Completed — the service work has been marked as completed;
Expired — the service work hasn’t been completed, and at least one maintenance condition by date/by mileage/ by engine hours has expired.
- Target values — target values for date, mileage, and engine hours.
- Cost — estimated maintenance cost as assigned when the service work was created.
- Completed — the date when the service work was completed.

Summary of scheduled and completed maintenance tasks is shown at the bottom of the list:
- Total — total number of maintenance tasks in each status.
- Expenses — total cost of maintenance tasks in each status.

Service Works Filter
You can filter the list of service tasks by two criteria:
- Vehicle
- Status
Simply select the vehicles and statuses you are interested in at the top of the screen:
Summary at the bottom of the list will be changed accordingly and will feature metrics for the filtered items only.
Group Service Works
Service Works can also be grouped by vehicle and status. Select the grouping method in the upper left corner of the list: