Device replacement

“Object label” portlet allows you to replace your device.

If the device is malfunctioning, it can be replaced with a new one, with all tracking history saved. The new device can be either of the same or of a different model.

Historical data becomes available only after the new device has been successfully activated.

To perform the replacement, select the required device from the object list. Open “Object label” portlet and click the “Replace device” button.

Read the description about what to do next with the sensors on the device. Proceed to the next step.

Select the new device model.

Specify device phone number, APN settings, device ID (IMEI )

After that, you will proceed to the final step of replacing the device. Click “Replace”. Note that after pressing this button, it is impossible to cancel the replacement process. The platform will send activation commands to the device and wait for it to be activated.

If the device could not be activated, you can repeat the replacement process with the same or a different device. Alternatively, you can configure the device manually according to its instructions.