Custom fields

You can add your own fields to the description of objects (such as places, staff, tasks, etc.) You can work with custom fields as usual: fill them, use them for filter selection. you can also assign a responsible employee. For this employee, a list of places will appear in the X-GPS Tracker mobile application.

!At the moment, custom fields can only be added to places. In the future, this functionality will be expanded.

Custom field types

  • Text string. Length is not more than 700 characters. You can enter any characters.
  • Text area. The length is not more than 20,000 characters. Fields with this type cannot be used for sorting.
  • E-mail. Only e-mail addresses.
  • Phone. Only phone numbers.
  • Numerical:
    – Decimal number
    – Integer number
  • Employee. You can add a responsible employee to this field, for whom this place will be displayed in the X-GPS Tracker application.

Adding and editing fields

To add a new field, select its type in the list on the left and drag it into the “Information” area with the mouse. Specify the following information:

  • Field name
  • Description
  • Is the field required

!When adding a new place, it cannot be saved until all required fields are filled.

The following actions are also available for added fields:

  1. Add section. You can distribute custom fields into different sections for greater convenience.
  2. Reorder. Drag and drop fields and sections to arrange them in the order you want
  3. Delete. You can delete a field that you no longer need by first clicking on it and then on the trash can icon.

!Primary fields cannot be deleted. Such fields are marked with a lock icon.


Pay attention to the following features when working with custom fields:

  • The maximum number of custom fields is 50
  • When editing fields, their name, description and order will automatically change in all created places.
  • If you delete a field, it will be automatically deleted from all places without the possibility of recovery.